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In today’s Vatnik Soup, I’ll introduce a Serbian academic, Ratko Ristić. He’s best known for engaging in pro-Kremlin, ultranationalist politics and propaganda while undermining business ties between Serbia and the EU....
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Ken Thompson, upon receiving the Turing award, wrote a terrifying paper. “Reflections on Trusting Trust” illustrates a scenario of original sin. Because the C compiler is written in C itself, a compromised compiler ca...
Quelle quantité d’énergie l’IA va-t-elle vraiment consommer ? Le bon, le mauvais et l’inconnu
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Nouvelle confirmation que l’IA consomme considérablement moins d’énergie qu’annoncé : - 0.288 Wh par texte généré (sur le graphique : 288 Wh pour 1000) - 0.519 Wh par image générée - 0.023 Wh pour répondre à une quest...
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Thread of surreal sculpture details 🧵 1. There is no rope in this image... it’s marble. Francesco Queirolo spent 7 years carving this intricate net from a single marble block. No apprentice dared to touch the sculptur...